Food waste
recycling methods are constantly changing and evolving, but a common criticism
of existing food waste solutions concerns the perception that they sometimes
lack efficiency. Moreover, small-scale
food waste accumulation has often been ignored, with the emphasis of food
by-product recycling traditionally focused on more substantial and
well-publicised mechanised processing on an industrial level.
But as Danny
Sawrij knows, even the limited volumes of waste produced by commercial
kitchens really add up, considering the number of restaurants there are in the
UK. Each and every professional kitchen has to deal with food waste on a daily
basis, but usually this simply means throwing leftovers away and scraping plates
into a black bin bag.
Aren't Restaurants Recycling?
When you
analyse the practices of the hospitality sector as a whole, it becomes clear
that it is actually one of the main culprits of irresponsible food waste
It is not
only the food that diners leave on their plates which is the problem. The
propensity of businesses to stock their kitchens with more than they need can
usually lead to excessive waste; as does inadequate storage of foodstuffs,
leading to spoilage. Alternatively, perhaps some chefs lack the imagination or
the training to take full advantage of the ingredients that they still have
available. All these factors, amongst others, mean that all too many kitchens
are sending a great deal of their food straight to the nearest landfill site.
There may
also be certain reluctance on the part of the restaurateur to implement
consistent recycling policies in the workplace.
At best,
this can result in staff improvising their own scatter-shot waste management
systems; at worst, this apathy can filter down to all employees and become
normalised, making it more difficult for them to change their habits in the
future. Even when workers are willing to experiment with their own casual
recycling procedures – which in itself is perfectly acceptable and commendable
– these may eventually be abandoned anyway if they are not properly authorised
and structured.
conclusion, Danny Sawrij argues that the dilemma facing the hospitality
industry is not only how to educate restaurant owners and staff about the
importance of recycling their food waste, but also how to show them the best
ways to do it.